Wednesday, September 1, 2010

VB.NET - How To Extend A Custom Method to Error Provider For Field Validation

The concept is very simple, instead of coding the Error Provider Control to validate field one by one; we add custom functionality to Error Provider that can be call without creating a new derived type.

For example
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Textbox1.Text.Trim) Then
            ErrorProvider1.SetError(Textbox1, “The field cannot be empty!”)
End If

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Textbox2.Text.Trim) Then
            ErrorProvider1.SetError(Textbox2, “The field cannot be empty!”)
End If

ErrorProvider1.Validate(TextBox1, “This field cannot be empty!”)
ErrorProvider1.Validate(TextBox2, “This field cannot be blank!”)
If ErrorPrivider1.HasError Then
‘ Error routine here
End If

Step one: Create a new module
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Text

Namespace ErrorProviderExtension
            Module ErrorExtension
            <Extension()> _
            Public Function Validate( ByVal Epd As ErrorProvider, _
                  ByVal Control As Control, _
                  Optional ByVal ErrorMessage As String = “Field cannot be empty!”As Boolean
                          If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Control.Text.Trim) Then
                                      Epd.SetError(Control, ErrorMessage)
                                      Return False
                                      Exit Function
                          End If
                          Epd.SetError(Control, Nothing)
                          Return True
             End Function

            <Extension()> _
            Public Function HasErrors(ByVal Epd As ErrorProvider) As Boolean
                        Dim err e Nullable(Of Integer) = (From e In Epd.ContainerControl.Controls _
                                                                                 Let msg = Provider.GetError(e) _
                                                                                 Where msg.Length > 0 _
                                                                                 Select e).Count
                        If err.GetValueOrDefault(0) > 0 Then
                                    Return True
                                    Return False
                        End If
            End Function

            <Extension()> _
            Public Function GetErrorMessages(ByVal Epd As ErrorProvider) As String
                        Dim sb As New StringBuilder
                        If Epd.ContainerControl Is Nothing Then
                                    Return Nothing
                                    Exit Function
                        End If

                        Dim err = From e In Epd.ContainerControl.Controls _
                                          Let message = Epd.GetError(e) _
                                          Where message.Length > 0 _
                                          Select message

                        If Not IsNothing(err) Then
                                  Dim i As Integer = 1
                                  For Each emsg As String In err
                                            sb.AppendLine(String.Format(“{0}: {1}”, i, emsg.ToString))
                                             i += 1
                                  sb.AppendLine(“Please clear all the errors before continue!”)
                                  Return sb.ToString
                                  Exit Function
                       End If
                       Return Nothing
            End Function

            End Module
End Namespace

Next, create a new Windows®Form; drag an ErrorProvider, two TextBox and one Button onto it, then
Imports rootnamespace.ErrorProviderExtension

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
             ErrorProvider1.Validate(TextBox1, “TextBox1 cannot be blank!”)
             ErrorProvider1.Validate(TextBox2, “TextBox2 cannot be blank!”)

             If ErrorProvider1.HasError Then
                 Exit Sub
             End If

            ‘Continue here if not error
            End Sub

Note: Please refer to MSDN for supported version and methods.